The Book of corporate identity
Corporate Identity Book, also known as CI – a key element in creating a consistent image of the company or the product in the eyes of customers. Its principles are contained both in the form of electronic books, as well as traditional.
Under the concept of corporate identity we mean a set of certain rules and patterns that are intended to distinguish the company from the competition and make its brand will be recognizable. Book Ci construction, shape, dimensions, colors and versions and variations of the logo. It also describes the vicious and unacceptable forms of use of the company logo. The aim of the book is to gather visual identification rules for creating positive images about the company and its products and consolidate the brand and logo in the minds of potential customers.
Remember that strong image shows the confidence of the customer to the company. Corporate Identity Book contains data about the logo and its variations, all kinds of business cards, letter-post items, advertising, signs, flyers, corporate clothing and much more.
The powerful image of this customer confidence to the company
Book of the corporate identity of each company puts emphasis on different elements of identification.
Book CI – a coherent corporate identity, company image – but the logo (the logo design company) and its variations can be found: business cards, Letter, newspaper ads, signs, banners, folders, brochures, leaflets, clothing company, company cars, color company’s infrastructure whether the system of visual communication inside and outside buildings.